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Donald Trump's Public Statements on Issue: Senior Citizens

On The Ballot: Running, Republican for President

Date Title

Remarks by President Trump on Protecting America's Seniors
09/10/2020 Tweet - "When we win I, as your President, will totally forgive ALL deferred payroll taxes with money from the General Fund. I will ALWAYS protect Seniors and your Social Security! Sleepy Joe Biden will do the opposite, he will raise your taxes and DESTROY our Country!"
08/18/2020 Tweet - "A horrible Governor. Crime is taking over NYC & State, everyone is leaving. He is after the NRA - They should move to Texas or elsewhere, and must get tough. Cuomo killed 11,000 people in nursing homes alone. Crooked & Incompetent!"
08/13/2020 Tweet - "Drug companies, which are being forced by me to substantially reduce Drug Prices, are taking $millions in ads saying I want to increase Medicare Primiums. Wrong, just the opposite! These ads show DRUG PRICES ARE GOING DOWN, and they are not happy! False advertising!"
08/11/2020 Remarks by President Trump in Press Briefing
06/15/2020 Remarks by President Trump in Roundtable Discussion on Fighting for America's Seniors
05/26/2020 Remarks by President Trump on Protecting Seniors with Diabetes

Remarks by President Trump on Protecting America's Seniors
03/24/2020 Tweet - "Our people want to return to work. They will practice Social Distancing and all else, and Seniors will be watched over protectively & lovingly. We can do two things together. THE CURE CANNOT BE WORSE (by far) THAN THE PROBLEM! Congress MUST ACT NOW. We will come back strong!"
05/21/2015 Daily Signal - Why Donald Trump Won't Touch Your Entitlements
05/01/2015 PJ Media - Trump to PJM on 2016 Platform: No Social Security Cuts
04/30/2015 The Courier - Trump Talks 2016 Run, Jobs at Texas Patriot PAC Event
11/10/1999 Discusses Tax Plan (Interview)
10/31/1999 Why He Is Thinking About Running (Interview)