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Donald Trump's Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action

On The Ballot: Running, Republican for President

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Date Title
11/02/2020 Presidential Message on National Veterans Small Business Week, 2020
11/01/2020 Tweet - "When I originally became your all time favorite President, the Great State of Michigan was hemorrhaging car companies and jobs. Plants were closing and moving to Mexico, and other places. No new plants for decades. I stopped the moves, & now many plants are and have been built..."
10/31/2020 Tweet - "Just signed an order to protect fracking and the oil and gas industry. This means JOBS, low energy bills, and continued AMERICAN ENERGY INDEPENDENCE! Sleepy Joe would BAN fracking and destroy American energy jobs! He has NO clue!!"
10/31/2020 Tweet - "Joe Biden has been a disaster for African Americans and Hispanic Americans--I am fighting for citizens of every race, color and creed. We achieved record low unemployment rates. I signed landmark Criminal Justice Reform, and we will deliver School Choice!"
10/31/2020 Tweet - "3 days from now, we are going to win Pennsylvania! With your support, we will continue to bring back your jobs, and cut your taxes & regulations. Biden would wipe out your factories, ship your jobs to China, raise your taxes, & eliminate private healthcare!"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "Just signed an order to support the workers of Delphi Corporation and make sure that we protect the pensions of all American workers! Obama-Biden FAILED American workers and FAILED the workers of Delphi. I ALWAYS put American workers FIRST!"

Remarks by President Donald Trump in a NBC News Town Hall
10/12/2020 Tweet - "The Economy is about ready to go through the roof. Stock Market ready to break ALL-TIME RECORD. 401k's incredible. New Jobs Record. Remember all of this when you VOTE. Sleepy Joe wants to quadruple your Taxes. Depression!!! Don't let it happen! #MAGA"
10/07/2020 Tweet - "My highly regarded Executive Order protected 525,000 American jobs during the height of the Chinese Plague. Democrats want to have Open Borders!"
10/05/2020 Tweet - "STOCK MARKET UP BIG, 466 Points! 28,149. Great News for America. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!"
09/30/2020 Tweet - "In just 3 and a half years, we have secured America's Borders, rebuilt the awesome power of the U.S. Military, obliterated the ISIS caliphate, fixed our disastrous Trade Deals, and brought JOBS back home to America -- and back to MINNESOTA! #MAGA"

Cleveland, OH Presidential Debate
09/10/2020 Tweet - "I have taken the toughest-ever action to stand up to China's rampant theft of Michigan jobs. Sleepy Joe Biden has vowed to remove those Tariffs and allow China to resume its pillaging. Joe Biden's Agenda is Made in China, my agenda is Made in the USA!"

Remarks by President Trump in Press Conference
09/04/2020 Remarks by President Trump in Press Briefing
08/24/2020 Tweet - "Joe Biden has said he would lock down the Country again. That's crazy! We're having record job growth and a booming stock market, but Joe would end it all and close it all down. Ridiculous!"
08/14/2020 Tweet - "I am ready to send more money to States and Local governments to save jobs for Police, Fire Fighters, First Responders, and Teachers. DEMOCRATS ARE HOLDING THIS UP!"

Remarks by President Trump in Press Briefing
08/03/2020 Remarks by President Trump in a Meeting with U.S. Tech Workers and Signing of an Executive Order on Hiring American
07/31/2020 Tweet - "Pelosi & Schumer blocked desperately needed unemployment payments, which is so terrible, especially since they fully understand that it was not the workers fault that they are unemployed, it's the fault of China!"
07/31/2020 Tweet - "Very disappointed in @SenSchumer for blocking the temporary extension of the $600 unemployment benefits. The Do Nothing Democrats are more interested in playing politics than in helping our deserving people. DRAIN THE SWAMP ON NOVEMBER 3RD!"
07/23/2020 Tweet - "The Democrats have stated strongly that they won't approve a Payroll Tax Cut (too bad!). It would be great for workers. The Republicans, therefore, didn't want to ask for it. Dems, as usual, are hurting the working men and women of our Country!"
07/02/2020 Remarks by President Trump at Spirit of America Showcase
07/02/2020 Remarks by President Trump on the Jobs Numbers Report
06/08/2020 Remarks by President Trump on the Jobs Numbers Report

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