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News Releases


The Balancing Act of Determining Discrimination
May 17, 2016, 4:21 p.m.

Multiple “religious freedom” bills are currently capturing the attention of state legislatures across the country. “Religious freedom” bills are proposed legislation that call for religious organizations, businesses, and individuals to be protected from penalties for declining to provide services to individuals whose lifestyle conflicts with their sincerely held religious beliefs.


VoteEasy and PCT Results Released in Minnesota
Oct. 27, 2014, 6:04 p.m.

 Today, Vote Smart released the results of the National Political Courage Test to VoteEasy at, giving Minnesota voters an invaluable resource for identifying their best political match November 4th. Thirty congressional, state legislative and gubernatorial candidates passed the 2014 Political Courage Test.


April Common Ground E-Newsletter
April 26, 2013, 6:25 p.m.

Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter here...

Hotdish #1: The Bachmann Recipe
April 26, 2013, 4:59 p.m.

What comes to mind when you think of Minnesota? Hockey? Lakes? Maybe the movie “Grumpy Old Men”? How about Hotdishes?

Bipartisanship – Topped with Cheese and Baked at 350, for About 45 Minutes
April 22, 2013, 6:32 p.m.

We here at Project Vote Smart often lament the lack of civility in Congress and in state legislatures across this nation.

Legislative Wrap-Up: Voter ID
Jan. 16, 2013, 11:34 p.m.

States across America considered legislation in their most recent sessions that would change voting and voter registration requirements.


Same-Sex Marriage Wrap-Up
Nov. 19, 2012, 10:23 p.m.

Over the past few years, the country has witnessed an abundance of legislation on both the state and national levels regarding same-sex marriage.

Candidates Flunk 20-Year Study of Political Courage
Oct. 29, 2012, 8:07 p.m.

A  20-year study of over 15,000 congressional candidates and their willingness to answer questions on the major issues

VoteEasy Tool Launched in Minnesota
Oct. 1, 2012, 3:49 p.m.

Standing Your Ground Across The States
June 12, 2012, 2:11 p.m.

The February 26 shooting of Trayvon Martin has ignited a media firestorm surrounding so-called “stand your ground” or “castle doctrine” laws in the United States. 

April Common Ground E-Newsletter
April 24, 2012, 2:45 p.m.

Sign up now to receive a copy of this monthly publication.




Convention Time
Sept. 11, 2008, 4 a.m.

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