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Betty McCollum's Public Statements on Issue: Education


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic/Farmer/Labor for U.S. House (MN) - District 4

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Date Title
09/13/2022 Letter to Merrick Garland, Attorney General of the United States, Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education - Representatives Bush, Bowman and 30 Colleagues Urge Federal Agencies to Review and Implement Effective School Safety Measures
08/23/2022 Letter to Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education - Wyden, Colleagues Call on Biden Administration to Extend Public Service Loan Forgiveness Waiver Deadline
06/21/2022 Letter to Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader, and Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House - Securing Additional Funding to Protect Student Internet Access
06/20/2022 Letter to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House and Hon. Kevin McCarthy, Minority Leader - Ahead of June 30 Deadline, Pingree Joins Bipartisan Effort Pushing House Leadership to Extend USDA Child Nutrition Waiver Authority, Keep Maine Students Fed at School
04/01/2022 Letter to Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, M.D., M.P.H, Director of Center for Disease Control and Prevention-U.S. Reps. Lawrence and Slotkin Lead Letter Urging CDC Director to Prioritize Funding Research to Prevent Gun Violence in Schools
03/31/2022 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States - Extend the Payment Pause and Cancel Student Debt
03/01/2022 Letter to Hon. Thomas Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture U.S. Department of Agriculture - Senators Warnock, Warren, Sanders, Padilla, Murphy, Lawson, Hayes, Torres, Colleagues Urge USDA to Issue Clearer Guidance that Informs Students of Their SNAP Benefits
02/04/2022 Mccollum To Hold Field Hearing On Impact Of American Rescue Plan Dollars In Mn-04 School Districts
12/16/2021 Letter to Hon. Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education - Cardin, Van Hollen and Garamendi Urge U.S. Secretary of Education to Include Peace Corps Volunteers in new Student Loan Relief
12/16/2021 Letter to Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education - Menendez and Booker Join Democratic Senate and House Colleagues in Urging Education Secretary to Provide Guidance to Parents on Gun Storage Safety
12/15/2021 Letter to Hon. Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education - Following Oxford High School Shooting, Van Hollen, Murphy, Thompson, Stabenow, Peters, Blumenthal, Slotkin Urge Department Of Education To Issue Guidance On Safe Gun Storage
03/02/2021 Letter to the Hon. Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education - 115 Members Send Letter to Education Secretary Cardona Urging him to Reverse Horrific Title IX Rule
08/28/2020 Letter to The Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture - Congressman Cleaver Applauds Usda Reversal, Decision to Extend Nutrition Program Waivers for Kids Learning Remotely
08/07/2020 Letter to The Hon. Sonny Perdue Secretary U.S. Department of Agriculture - Congressman Cleaver Calls on Usda to Provide More Flexibility, Support to Student Nutrition Programs
07/09/2020 Letter to Matthew T. Albence, Deputy Director of the US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Chad F. Wolf, Acting Secreatry of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security - Pressley, Lawmakers Urge ICE and DHS to Immediately Withdraw New Guidance that Threatens International Students with Deportation
07/09/2020 Letter to Matthew Albence, Acting Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Chad Wolf, Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security - House and Senate Democrats Urge ICE and DHS to Immediately Withdraw New Guidance that Threatens International Students with Deportation
05/27/2020 McCollum Announces 2020 Art Competition Winners
05/22/2020 Letter to Betsy DeVos, Department of Education Secretary, and Kenneth L. Marcus, Department of Education Assistant Secretary - Reps Speier, Kuster, Pressley and Slotkin Lead Letter Urging the Department of Education to Rescind its Indefensible Title IX Rule
04/27/2020 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of the Dept. of Education - Swalwell Leads 72 Members in Sending Letter to Sec. DeVos Urging Quick Release of Emergency Grants to All Students, including DACA Recipients
04/02/2020 Letter to the Hon. Elisabeth DeVos, Secretary of the Dept. of Education, and the Hon. Kenneth Marcus, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights for the Dept. of Education - Reps Kuster, Speier, Pressley and Slotkin Lead 46 Members in Letter Demanding Sec DeVos Halt Plans to Gut Title IX Protections Amid Coronavirus Crisis
03/24/2020 Letter to John Remondi, CEO of Navient Corporation, Michael Dunlap, CEO of Nelnet, Inc., James Steeley, President and CEO of FedLoan/Pennsylvania higher Education Assistance Agency, Raymond Bayer, Executive Director and CEO of Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority, Jeffrey Sloan, CEO of Global Payments, Inc., David Feitz, Executive Director of Cornorstone Education Loan Services/Utah Higher Education Assitance Authority, William Hollin, President and CEO of EdFinancial Services, James Farha, President of Oklahoma Student Loan Authority and Christiana Thornton, President and CEO of Granite State Management and Resources - Foster, Kaptur Lead Letter Urging Student Loan Servicers to Provide Relief for All Borrowers During COVID-19 Crisis
03/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader, the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader - Rep. Andy Levin, 35 Bipartisan House Members, Call for Increased Library Funding to Ensure Access to Online and Digital Resources during Coronavirus Outbreak
01/01/2020 Issue Position: Education (K-12 and Higher Ed.)
11/22/2019 Letter to James Owens, Acting Admin. of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - Members of the Minnesota Delegation Raise Serious Concerns over Use of Unsafe School Buses to Transport Minnesota Students

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