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Betty McCollum's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic/Farmer/Labor for U.S. House (MN) - District 4

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Date Title
05/10/2022 Letter to Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader - Abolishing the Filibuster and Protecting Reproductive Freedom
02/18/2022 Mccollum Mourns The Passing Of Minnesota Congressman Jim Hagedorn
09/07/2021 Letter to the Hon. Thomas J. Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture - O'Halleran Advocates for Animal Safety in Extreme Weather Events
07/28/2021 McCollum Statement on House Passage of FY 2022 Legislative Branch Funding Bill
06/18/2021 Catholic Members of Congress Release Statement of Principles
06/15/2021 Rep. McCollum and Rep. Fortenberry to Co-Chair Bipartisan Global Health Caucus in 117th Congress
04/28/2021 Mccollum Statement on President Biden's Joint Address to Congress, First 100 Days
04/20/2021 McCollum Statement on Chauvin Conviction for Murder of George Floyd
04/06/2021 Letter to Rochelle Walenksy, Director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health - After Worst Year for Gun Violence in Decades, Phillips Demands Status Report on Gun Violence Research
03/01/2021 Letter to the Hon. Joe Biden, President of the United States, and Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States - Release: Progressives Urge Biden Administration to Overrule Senate Parliamentarian
01/26/2021 McCollum Confirmed as Chair of Defense Appropriations Subcommittee
01/13/2021 McCollum Statement on Vote to Impeach President Trump for Incitement of Insurrection
12/03/2020 McCollum Congratulates Rep. David Scott on Agriculture Committee Chairmanship
02/06/2020 The Temporary Reauthorization and Study of the Emergency Scheduling of Fentanyl Analogues Act (S.
01/24/2020 McCollum statement as House managers conclude case in Trump impeachment trial
12/10/2019 McCollum statement on announcement of Articles of Impeachment against president Trump
12/06/2019 Transcript of Speaker Pelosi, Bicameral Congressional Delegation to COP25 Madrid Press Conference
11/06/2019 McCollum statement on Rep. Visclosky decision to not seek re-election
10/31/2019 Mccollum statement on passage of resolution for open hearings on Trump's abuse of power
09/25/2019 McCollum Statement on Memo on Call Between President Trump and Ukrainian President
09/23/2019 McCollum Statement on President Trump's Abuse of Power to Influence 2020 Election
05/30/2019 CNN "Erin Burnett Outfront" - Transcript: Interview with Rep. Betty McCollum
02/06/2019 Hearing of the Interior-Environment Appropriations Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations - Opening Statement of Rep. Betty McCollum, Hearing on "The Power of the Purse: A Review of Agency Spending Restrictions During a Shutdown"
11/28/2018 Letter to Democratic Colleagues - 165 House Democrats Join Letter Supporting Luján for Assistant Democratic Leader
11/21/2018 Roll Call - Nancy Pelosi Is the Best Woman for the Job

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