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Tammy Baldwin's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (WI) - Jr

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Date Title
09/26/2023 Senator Baldwin Statement on the Indictment of Senator Bob Menendez
09/13/2023 Baldwin Introduces Bill Banning Stock Trading by Members of Congress
04/19/2023 Baldwin Joins Colleagues in Introducing Bipartisan Legislation to End Corrupt Stock Trading Activities by Members of Congress
02/15/2023 Senator Baldwin Named Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies
01/05/2023 Senator Baldwin Votes for Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act to Safeguard Presidential Elections
11/23/2022 Tweet -"The fight's not over yet, but we're almost to the finish line. #RespectforMarriageAct"
09/23/2022 Tweet - "Senate Republicans once again chose corporate special interests and dark money donors over election transparency by blocking the #DISCLOSEAct. Americans should know who's influencing their vote."
09/21/2022 Tweet - "I support passing the DISCLOSE Act because it's time to end dark money in politics. Voters should be in charge of our Democracy, not secret donors."
08/12/2022 Tweet - "I voted for infrastructure and climate legislation to create clean energy jobs and support Wisconsin manufacturers who are building our clean energy economy to take on the climate crisis."
08/11/2022 Tweet - "I voted to pass legislation that is the single largest climate investment in history. We are taking on the climate crisis by reducing air pollution, investing in climate-smart farming, and cutting emissions by 40%. #GetClimateDone"
08/07/2022 Senator Baldwin Votes for the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
08/07/2022 Tweet - "Wisconsin working families need lower costs, and while Senate Republicans just talk about inflation, I voted to pass the Inflation Reduction Act to deliver results on prescription drugs, health care, clean energy, and the climate crisis."
08/06/2022 Tweet - "Our Inflation Reduction Act makes big billion $ corporations pay a fair share of their taxes to reduce the deficit. @SenateDems are lowering the cost of energy, prescription drugs, and health care. We are going to #GetClimateDone with investments in clean energy and job creation."
08/05/2022 Tweet - "Senate Republicans can sit on the sidelines but we are going to pass the Inflation Reduction Act to lower the cost of prescription drugs and expand tax credits to reduce health care premiums for working families."
08/02/2022 Senator Baldwin Supports Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
08/01/2022 Tweet - "This #HealthCareAwarenessMonth I want everyone to be aware of the fact that @SenateDems are working to pass the #InflationReductionAct this week to lower the cost of prescription drugs and reduce health care premiums for working families."
05/06/2022 Tweet - "If an activist #SCOTUS is going to take away constitutional rights and freedoms for women then the Senate needs to pass my Women's Health Protection Act. And if we need to eliminate the filibuster to get it done, we should do that too. #RoeVsWade #WHPA"
02/07/2022 Momentum Continues to Build for Sen. Ossoff's Congressional Stock Trading Ban in Congress & Nationwide
06/10/2021 Letter to Devin LeMahieu, Wisconsin State Senate Majority Leader and Robin Vos, Speaker of the Wisconsin State Assembly - Congresswoman Gwen Moore Leads Wisconsin Colleagues in Call for Solution to Republican-Controlled State Legislature's Sabotage of Federal Education Funding for Wisconsin Schools
02/25/2021 Senate Leaders Celebrate House Passage of Equality Act, Vow to Continue Effort in the Senate
07/18/2020 Tweet - "I was blessed to have the opportunity to work along side John Lewis as a colleague & friend. He showed us the best of the human spirit as he worked with hope in his heart to change America and bring liberty and justice for all. It's now up to all of us to carry on John's spirit."
07/02/2020 Tweet - "Millions are unemployed. More than 128,000 people have died. #COVID19 cases are rising. Mitch McConnell has put off legislative action and now he wants the Senate to recess for two weeks. He should #CancelRecess and bring the #HEROESAct forward for a vote."
06/22/2020 Tweet - "I joined @SenateDems to call on @Senatemajldr to step up & bring the bipartisan Dream and Promise Act to the Senate floor now. The House passed it and we should too in order to protect #Dreamers."
06/18/2020 Tweet - "This week's #SCOTUS decision outlawed workplace discrimination for the LGBTQ community. But in too many other areas of life, LGBTQ Americans still face discrimination. It's time to pass the #EqualityAct to fix this injustice."
06/18/2020 Tweet - "More than a month of inaction from Mitch McConnell since the @HouseDemocrats passed the #HEROESAct. I have joined with @SenateDems to urge @senatemajldr to bring the #HEROESAct to the Senate floor for a debate and vote. People need action."

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