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Tammy Baldwin's Public Statements on Issue: Religion


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (WI) - Jr

Date Title
10/24/2023 Baldwin Introduces Resolution Calling for End to Religious and Political Persecution in India
11/14/2022 Senators Move Forward on Bipartisan Respect for Marriage Act With Protections For Religious Liberties
10/27/2022 Tweet - "Today marks 4 years since the deadly anti-Semitic shooting at the #TreeOfLife Synagogue in Pittsburgh. As we honor the lives taken away, may we continue standing together to dismantle antisemitism and build a country that is truly for all of us. #StrongerThanHate."
10/24/2022 Tweet - "I'm wishing everyone celebrating in Wisconsin and across the nation, a happy #Diwali! May the festival of lights bring you peace, happiness, and joy this year."
10/04/2022 Tweet - "Wishing all those observing Yom Kippur in Wisconsin and nationwide, a meaningful and easy fast. G'mar Chatima Tova!"
09/25/2022 Tweet - "Shanah Tovah U'Metukah! I am wishing everyone celebrating in Wisconsin and around the world, a sweet and joyful #RoshHashanah"
08/02/2022 Senator Baldwin Leads Senate Resolution to Remember the 10th Anniversary of Shooting at the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek
04/14/2022 Tweet - "I'm wishing our Sikh American friends in Wisconsin and across the nation a happy #Vaisakhi!"
07/02/2021 Letter to the Hon. Christopher Coons, Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs, and the Hon. Lindsey Graham, Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs - Rosen Leads Colleagues in Bipartisan Call to Increase Funding for the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism
02/19/2020 Letter to the Hon. Eugene Scalia, Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Labor - Van Hollen, Murray, Democrats Push Departments of Education and Labor to Withdraw Rules Allowing for Federally Sanctioned Discrimination
02/19/2020 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of the U.S. Education Department - Van Hollen, Murray, Democrats Push Departments of Education and Labor to Withdraw Rules Allowing for Federally Sanctioned Discrimination
04/15/2019 Letter to Chairman Capito and Ranking Member Tester - Senators Heinrich, Mc Sally, and Colleagues Request $75 Million for Safeguarding Faith-Based Communities
03/13/2019 Letter to the Hon. Alex M. Azar, HHS - Revoke Waiver Allowing South Carolina Child Welfare Agencies to Discriminate
10/06/2018 Senator Lankford Joins Bipartisan Group of Senators to Denounce China's Human Rights Abuses
04/25/2018 Rubio, Baldwin Applaud Congressional Passage of JUST Act
03/07/2017 Letter to John Kelly, Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeff Sessions, Attorney General of the United States, James Comey, FBI Director - Address Threats to Jewish Institutions Across the Country
10/25/2016 Letter to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committee - Call to Remove Section 1094 of the National Defense Authorization Act
09/20/2016 Letter to the Honorable Sylvia Burwell, Secretary of the Dept. of Health and Human Services - Senators Push to Protect Women's Access to Contraceptive Coverage
11/07/2013 Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2013
11/07/2013 CNN "Newsroom" - Transcript: Employment Non-Discrimination Act
02/19/2013 Letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director Robert Mueller - Religion and Hate Crimes
03/10/2011 Letter to Rep. King, Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee - Call to Focus on All Extreme Terrorism
09/25/2006 Letter to President of Sudan