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Bernie Sanders' Public Statements on Issue: Campaign Finance


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (VT) - Sr

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Date Title
07/30/2019 Cortez Masto cosponsors Constitutional Amendment to reverse Citizens United, get big money out of public elections
05/01/2018 Letter to Henry Kermer, Special Counsel - Request Investigation of Mulvaney for Potential Hatch Act Violations
01/27/2017 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education Designate - Senators Renew Calls For Devos To Come Clean On Dark Money Ties
01/24/2017 Letter to the Hon. Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Explain Yourself To The American People
03/13/2016 Full Rush Transcript Senator Bernie Sanders //CNN TV One Democratic Presidential Town Hall
03/12/2016 Sanders: Corrupt Campaign Finance System Props up Rigged Economy
03/09/2016 Transcript: The Post-Univision Democratic Debate, Annotated
03/07/2016 Transcript of the Fox News Democratic Presidential Town Hall
02/29/2016 Sanders in Minnesota Puts Spotlight on Saving the Planet
02/26/2016 Sanders vs. Clinton on Fracking and Climate Change, New TV Ad Up in Minnesota, Colorado
02/22/2016 Sanders' Record vs. Clinton's Rhetoric
02/11/2016 The Washington Post - Transcript: The Democratic Debate in Milwaukee, Annotated
02/10/2016 Raw Story - Bernie Sanders' New Hampshire Primary Victory Speech
02/04/2016 Transcript: MSNBC Democratic Candidates Debate
01/07/2016 Letter to the Honorable Barack Obama, President of the United States of America - Concerning Campaign Contributions
10/02/2015 Email from Bernie Sanders to Supporters
10/01/2015 Low-Dollar Donors Push Sanders Campaign to New High
09/19/2015 Remarks at the New Hampshire Democratic Party Convention
09/17/2015 Sanders Supporters Stand up to Ugly, Negative Campaign by Clinton Super PAC
08/30/2015 Sanders Slams "Corrupt' Campaign Finance System
08/23/2015 On the Road: Become a Billboard for Bernie!
08/18/2015 Remarks at the AFL-CIO Conference
08/17/2015 Chicago Feels the Bern, Sanders Meets with Rev. Jackson
08/04/2015 Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015--Motion to Proceed
08/02/2015 Sanders Proposes Public Funding of Campaigns

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