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Duncan Hunter's Public Statements on Issue: Trade

Date Title
09/29/2008 Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
12/13/2007 Hearing of the House Armed Services Committee - Global Maritime Strategy Initiatives
12/12/2007 Des Moines Register Presidential Debate: The Republicans
12/04/2007 The Bulletin - Undervalued Currency And Toxic Toys Fuel Concerns Over China Trade Policy
11/07/2007 United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act
10/18/2007 House Lawmakers to DHS: Build a Strong Border Fence Not Another Great Wall of China
10/15/2007 The Daily Sparks Tribune - Presidential Candidates on the Move
10/09/2007 Republican Presidential Candidates Debate Focused on Economic Issues
08/02/2007 Panel 1 Of A Hearing Of The Trade Subcommittee Of The House Ways And Means Committee: Trade With China, Currency, Food Safety
07/13/2007 Hunter Addresses U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission
06/13/2007 CNBC "Kudlow & Company"- Transcript
06/07/2007 Hunter Coauthors Legislation to Reduce Tax Burden on U.S. Manufacturers
06/07/2007 Bipartisan Coalition Introduces Border Tax Equity Act To Strengthen America's Domestic Production
05/03/2007 MSNBC GOP Presidential Debate-Transcript
03/29/2007 Hunter Introduces NAFTA Trucking Safety Act
03/07/2007 The Evening Bulletin - The Right Choice
02/19/2007 The New York Times Company - Hunter Blasts Dems' Iraq Debate, Pushes Better Trade Deals
01/31/2007 Hunter Coauthors Legislation to Protect American Workers
01/28/2007 ABC News "This Week with George Stephanopoulos"-Transcript
07/20/2006 Hunter Supports President Bush on Oman Free Trade Agreement
04/19/2005 CNN Lou Dobbs Tonight - Transcript
04/06/2005 Hunter and Ryan Introduce China Currency Legislation
07/20/2004 Neutralzing the Iraqi Threat
07/08/2004 Hearing of the House Armed Services Committee- The Economic, Technology, Vocational and Skills Implication of DOD Trade Offsets
Fair & Equitable Trade