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Tom Steyer's Public Statements on Issue: Taxes

Date Title
01/01/2020 Issue Position: Taxes
12/19/2019 PBS December Democratic Debate
11/21/2019 Tweet - ".@JeffBezos is worth $111 billion. If we implemented a wealth tax at just 1%, we'd have an extra $1.1 billion to invest in deteriorating infrastructure or affordable housing or climate change mitigation. And that's from just ONE rich guy paying his taxes. We need a wealth tax."
11/20/2019 NBC November Democratic Party Presidential Debate
11/09/2019 Tweet - "I'm someone who believes that people like me, who have been so lucky and have had a chance to build a business from scratch, have a huge responsibility back to the American people--and to America itself--for the advantages we've had. We need a wealth tax."
10/15/2019 Tweet - "If the richest Americans pay our fair share, we can afford universal health care, quality education, and Social Security. Just pennies in taxes on the 160,000 richest families in this country would raise $1 trillion. We need a wealth tax."
10/15/2019 CNN Democratic Primary Debate
07/30/2019 Tweet - "I support a wealth tax. Making the extremely wealthy pay their fair share is a no brainer. #DemDebate"
05/28/2019 Tweet - "I commend @MackenzieBezos for joining the call to sign The Giving Pledge, but we should not have to rely on the generosity of a few. If the government made the 1% pay our fair share of taxes, we'd have no need for giving pledges."
04/15/2019 Tweet - "Mr. Trump claims to be for middle-class Americans, but his tax cuts prove his allegiances lie with major corporations. Haven't we all learned by now that the money doesn't trickle down? Investors and CEOs get richer and everyone else runs in place. Time for us all to rise again."