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Mazie Hirono's Public Statements on Issue: Legal


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (HI) - Jr

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Date Title
09/30/2022 Hirono-Led Legislation to Protect Survivors of Sexual Assault and Harassment Passes in Senate
09/13/2022 Letter to Hon. Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Warner joins Murray and 28 Colleagues in Urging Biden Admin to Strengthen Privacy Protections for Women Seeking Reproductive Health Care
04/20/2021 Nominations of Vanita Gupta and Lisa O. Monaco
03/11/2021 Hirono and Meng Introduce Bill to Address Surge of Anti-Asian Hate Crimes During Coronavirus Pandemic
03/01/2021 Impeachment
12/21/2020 Bipartisan legislation to fight illegal streaming by criminal organizations to be signed into law
10/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. William Barr, Attorney General for the Dept. of Justice - Durbin, Duckworth, Senate Democrats To Attorney General Barr: Drop Lawsuit To Gut The Affordable Care Act
09/17/2020 Letter to the Hon. Michael Horowitz, Inspector General of the Dept. of Justice - Judiciary Committee Democrats Call for Review of Political Interference in Durham Investigation
06/23/2020 Letter to James McHenry, Director of the Executive Office for Immigration Review - Warren Leads Colleagues Questioning DOJ Office's Decision to Reopen Immigration Courts and Resume Hearings Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
06/11/2020 Letter to the Hon. William Barr, Attorney General - Duckworth, Durbin Join Klobuchar, Smith and Colleagues to Reiterate Call for DOJ Investigation into Racially Discriminatory and Violent Policing at Minneapolis Police Department
05/19/2020 Letter to Chad Wolf, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and Matthew Albence, Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement - Haaland Joins Call Urging Administration to Ensure Access to Free Telephone Calls for Detainees at ICE Detention Centers
12/05/2019 Tillis, Coons, Cassidy & Hirono Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Seize Counterfeit Products and Protect American Consumers and Businesses
11/26/2019 Letter to Richard Anderson, President and CEO of Amtrak - Brown Calling on Amtrak to End Forced Arbitration, Ban on Class Actions
09/26/2019 Letter to the Hon. David Bernhardt, Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior - Van Hollen, Senate Democrats Call on Interior Secretary to Terminate Acting BLM Director's Authority
05/02/2019 Tillis Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Middle-Class Creators From Copyright Infringement
01/11/2019 Whitehouse, Blumenthal, and Hirono Oppose DOJ Motion to Delay Court Action in their Lawsuit against Acting Attorney General Whitaker Due to the Government Shutdown
10/19/2018 Letter to Mr. James C. Duff, Director of Administrative Office of the United States Courts - Secret, Partisan Judicial Clerk Training
08/08/2018 Letter to Gary Stern, General Counsel and Chief FOIA Officer at the National Archives and Records Administration - Release Kavanaugh Documents
05/03/2018 Letter to the Hon. Jay Clayton, Chair, SEC - Urge Clayton to Preserve Investors' Right to Access Courts
04/16/2018 Sens. Cruz, Hirono Applaud Supreme Court Announcement to Provide Same Day Audio of Oral Arguments in Trump v. Hawaii
03/22/2018 Letter to the Hon. John Roberts, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court - Release Same Day Audio of Oral Arguments in Trump v. Hawaii
03/01/2018 Menendez, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Provide Legal Representation for Minors Appearing in Immigration Court
03/01/2018 Blumenthal, Murphy, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Provide Legal Representation for Minors Appearing in Immigration Court
10/11/2017 Letter to the Hon. Jeff Sessions, Attorney General - Answer Questions on Conversations with Trump
09/12/2017 Letter to Mr. Richard F. Smith, CEO of Equifax, Inc. - End Use Of Consumer-Harming Forced Arbitration Clauses

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