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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Campaign Finance


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MA) - Sr

Date Title
06/21/2021 Tweet - "The #ForThePeopleAct would help beat back Washington corruption. It would make presidential candidates release their tax returns, make Super PACs disclose their big donors, make Supreme Court justices follow a basic code of ethics, and more. Let's get this done."
06/18/2021 Tweet - "Big Pharma's lobbyists strut around Washington like they own the place. They twist every rule they can find to gobble up bigger profits and squeeze higher drug prices out of the pockets of working families. I'm fighting back."
03/31/2021 Van Hollen, Whitehouse, Colleagues Sound Alarm Over Scotus Case Threatening Constitutional Protection for Dark Money
12/18/2020 Jayapal and Warren Reintroduce the Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act
07/15/2020 Letter to Brian D, Miller, Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery of the U.S. Department of Treasury - Warren Calls on New Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery to Investigate "COVID Lobbying Palooza"
07/30/2019 Cortez Masto cosponsors Constitutional Amendment to reverse Citizens United, get big money out of public elections
09/19/2018 Letter to Mick Mulvaney, Director of the Office of Management and Budget - Warren Questions Mulvaney about "Closed Door Event" with Campaign Donors, GOP Officials
01/27/2017 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education Designate - Senators Renew Calls For Devos To Come Clean On Dark Money Ties
01/07/2016 Letter to the Honorable Barack Obama, President of the United States of America - Concerning Campaign Contributions
11/10/2015 Letter to Speaker Ryan - Consideration of DISCLOSE Act
06/23/2015 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Executive Order Requiring Disclosure of Political Spending by Government Contractors
04/02/2015 Letter to Neil Eggleston, Counsel to the President - Disclose Dark Money in Politics
02/27/2014 Letter to Jacob Lew, Secretary of the Department of the Treasury and John Koskinen, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - End Unlimited Secret Spending in Elections by Tax-Exempt Groups
02/27/2014 Letter to Jacob Lew, Secretary of the Treasury and John Koskinen, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - Guidance for Tax-Exempt Social Welfare Organizations on Candidate-Related Political Activities
01/09/2014 Letter to Mary Jo White, Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission - Disclosure of Corporate Political Spending Should be Part of 2014 Agenda