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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Reproduction


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MA) - Sr

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Date Title
02/28/2024 Senator Warren Delivers Floor Speech on Senate Republicans’ Opposition to IVF
01/22/2024 ICYMI: On 51st Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Warren Delivers Floor Speech on Fight to Restore Abortion Rights
12/15/2023 Warren, Baldwin, and 40 Democratic Senators Introduce Resolution Affirming Support for FDA's Scientific Judgment That Medication Abortion Is Safe and Effective
07/13/2023 Warren, Senators Urge Justice Department to Do More to Protect Americans' Right to Travel for Reproductive Health Care
06/23/2023 One Year After Dobbs: In New Report from Senator Warren, Health Care Providers Reveal How Republican Efforts to Limit Abortion Care Threaten Women's Health
05/30/2023 In Light of New Threats to Medication Abortion, Warren, Hirono, Duckworth, Smith Expand Investigation into Effects of State Abortion Bans
04/21/2023 Senator Warren's Statement on the Supreme Court's Decision on Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA:
03/27/2023 Murray, Shaheen, 36 Colleagues Write to Pentagon Underscoring National Security Imperative to Provide Abortion Leave for Service Members
01/22/2023 Senator Warren's Statement on the 50th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
11/18/2022 Senator Warren, Lawmakers Encourage FDA to Consider Steps to Protect and Expand Access to Medication Abortion
11/18/2022 Senator Warren, Lawmakers Encourage FDA to Consider Steps to Protect and Expand Access to Medication Abortion "The Supreme Court's reckless decision to overturn Roe v. Wade now endangers millions of women in this country who are facing restrictions to lifesaving care and rights"
11/17/2022 Letter to Robert Califf, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration - Hirono, Lawmakers Urge FDA to Consider Steps to Protect and Expand Access to Medication Abortion
11/01/2022 Senator Smith, Colleagues Release New Report Detailing Devastating Harms Posed by State Abortion Bans
10/20/2022 Hirono, Murray, Shaheen, Warren Applaud DOD Action to Ensure Access to Reproductive Care
09/07/2022 Hirono, Warren, Murray, Duckworth Applaud Landmark Abortion Access Measure for Veterans Amid Republican Attacks
08/02/2022 Letter to Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Antony Blinken, Secretary of State, Samantha Power, Administrator for the US Agency for International Development - Schakowsky, Lee, Blumenthal, and Booker Lead Colleagues in Pressing Federal Agencies to Reinforce Helms Amendment Exceptions to Countries and Organizations That Receive U.S. Foreign Assistance
07/28/2022 Letter to Denis McDonough, Secretary of Veterans Affairs - Senator Baldwin, Colleagues Urge VA to Immediately Begin Offering Abortion Services to Veterans and Eligible Dependents
07/21/2022 Kelly, Group of 31 Senators Introduce Legislation to Protect Access to Reproductive Health Care Funding
07/21/2022 Van Hollen, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Protect Access to Reproductive Health Care Funding
07/20/2022 Warner & Kaine Join Colleagues in Introducing Legislation to Protect Access to Reproductive Health Care Funding
07/19/2022 Padilla Introduces Legislation to Protect Access to Reproductive Health Care Funding
07/13/2022 Letter to Hon. Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader, and Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House - Senator Baldwin Joins Colleagues in Calling for Robust Family Planning Funding as States Criminalize Abortion
07/13/2022 Letter to Joseph Biden, President of the United States, and Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health & Human Services - Urging Biden Administration to Declare a National Public Health Emergency on Reproductive Rights
07/08/2022 Padilla, Warren Announce Two Key Data Brokers' Commitment to Permanently Stop Selling Location Data of People Seeking Abortion Services

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