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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MA) - Sr

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Date Title
09/12/2023 At Hearing, Warren Calls on SEC to End Private Equity's Evasion of Public Disclosure Requirements and Ensure Transparency for Investors in Private Markets
07/19/2023 Warren Applauds Updated Merger Guidelines
07/18/2023 ICYMI: At Finance Subcommittee Hearing, Senator Warren Pushes Back On Republican Efforts to Weaponize Work Requirements for Child Tax Credit, Medicaid, Critical Assistance Programs
06/01/2023 ICYMI: On Senate Floor, Warren Calls for Confirmation of 221 Key Military Nominees, Blasts Republicans for Jeopardizing Military Readiness and National Security with Political Posturing
05/02/2023 Following Pervasive Reports of Sexual Abuse and Misconduct, Bicameral Leaders Seek GAO Review of JROTC Program
12/15/2022 Warren, Braun, Lee, King Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Reduce Wasteful Pentagon Spending, Repeal Unfunded Priorities List
12/05/2022 Tweet - "Giant corporations are laughing all the way to the bank as they take advantage of inflation to jack prices up even higher. I've got a plan to fight back: the Price Gouging Prevention Act."
12/05/2022 Tweet - "A lot of crypto lobbyists claim that crypto is oh-so-complicated, oh-so-impossible-to-understand, and oh-so-unnecessary-to-regulate. You know when I heard that before? In the run up to the 2008 crash. We need basic protections in place to keep people from getting cheated."
12/04/2022 Tweet - "Former Sunday School teacher here. Protecting marriage equality isn't a threat to anyone's religious liberty--it's about our government treating every citizen with equal dignity."
12/03/2022 Tweet - "I was glad to join President @JoeBiden and @EdMarkey yesterday at @IBEW103 's Labor Phone Bank to make calls to Georgians and get out the vote for @ReverendWarnock . Let's win this!"
12/02/2022 Tweet - "President Biden has the legal authority to cancel student debt--President Obama and President Trump both used the same power. The sooner we defeat GOP officials' baseless legal action, the sooner we can deliver student debt relief to hard-working Americans."
12/02/2022 Tweet - "Let's make this scheme impossible by dealing with the debt ceiling before the end of the year."
12/01/2022 Tweet - "Rail companies doubled their profits in the pandemic. There's no reason they can't afford to give paid sick leave to the workers who make those profits possible. There's no reason they have to force people who've had a heart attack or broken a leg to show up to work or get fired."
12/01/2022 Tweet - "@ZoForAustin will fight to ensure equity and affordability for all who call Austin home, and I'm happy to endorse him for City Council. Early voting starts TODAY--make sure you cast your ballots, Austin!"
12/01/2022 Tweet - "On #WorldAIDSDay, I'm thinking about all the lives we've lost for decades now. We must make sure patients can get all the care they need, and we must continue working to end this epidemic once and for all."
11/30/2022 Tweet - "The Biden administration has already taken key steps to uphold justice & right past wrongs of our government's treatment of Native Americans. The president should take another step by granting clemency to Native American rights activist Leonard Peltier."
11/30/2022 Tweet - "I was very happy to endorse Democrats up and down the ticket who fight from the heart for working people--and I'm so glad that these leaders will be serving in federal, state, and local office. Woo-hoo!"
11/30/2022 Tweet - "The GOP is willing to hurt working families if it makes Democrats look bad. That's why they tried to stop the American Rescue Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act. That's why they're trying to block student debt relief. So we need to be clear-eyed about what they'll try in 2023."
11/29/2022 Tweet - "While families struggle with rising housing costs, the biggest landlords in the country are thriving--and this software may be helping them collude to raise rental prices artificially high. We need answers."
11/29/2022 Tweet -"Some economists scoff at the idea that corporate profiteering is happening, even though CEOs admit it. Some pundits say Democrats shouldn't talk about it. But Democrats up and down the ticket called out price gouging and won. When we fight for working people, we win."
11/28/2022 Tweet - "Penny stocks. Subprime mortgages. Credit-default swaps. History is littered with financial schemes that began with dazzling rewards & ended with devastating losses because they had flourished in regulatory gaps. Crypto is following a well-worn path, & consumers need protection."
11/28/2022 Tweet - "Early educators need more support, and I'm glad that this funding is on the way."
11/28/2022 Tweet - "Early educators need more support, and I'm glad that this funding is on the way."
11/28/2022 Tweet - "The new COVID booster could save your life, or keep you or a loved one out of the hospital. If you haven't gotten it yet, make an appointment today:"
11/27/2022 Tweet - "Let's remember: Every single Republican in Congress voted against this plan to lower energy costs and fight climate change. But Democrats got it done anyway."

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