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Mike Pompeo's Public Statements on Issue: Constitution

Date Title
08/25/2016 Letter to the Hon. John Kerry, Secretary of State, and the Hon. Jacob Lew, Secretary of the Treasury - Urging Support for Venezuelan People
04/27/2016 Letter to the Honorable Penny Pritzker, Secretary of the US Department of Commerce, the Honorable Jack Lew, Secretary of the US Department of the Treasury, and the Honorable John Kerry, Secretary of the US Department of State - Pittenger Challenges Obama On Iran Sanctions Violations
03/24/2016 Letter to Chairman Tom Cole and Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro of the Subcommittee on Labor, Health, Human services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations - Repeal Obamacare's HHS Mandate
11/03/2015 Letter to President Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority - Violence in the West Bank and Israel
06/12/2014 Letter to Tom Wheeler, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission - Broadband Conncection
03/07/2014 Letter to SXSW, LCC - Don't Give Snowden a Platform
02/26/2014 Statement from Congressman Mike Pompeo on Washington's Attacks on Koch Industries
02/26/2014 Congressman Mike Pompeo Votes to Stop Targeting of Political Beliefs by the IRS
07/03/2013 The Wichita Eagle - NSA Programs "Wholly Constitutional,' Pompeo Says
04/17/2013 Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act
12/04/2012 Buhler, Kansas, is Under Assault
08/01/2011 Pompeo Votes to Pass Debt Deal on Eve of Deadline
03/22/2011 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Concern over Decision to Not Enforce the Defense of Marriage Act