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How You Can Help

Gifts By Bequest

If you are interested in making a bequest and need additional information contact our Development Department at 515-989-6363 or

Leave a legacy for future generations by making a gift to Vote Smart in your will. You can name Vote Smart to receive a specific amount of money, property or percentage of your estate; to receive all or a portion of the residual of your estate (the remainder after all specific bequests to family and friends are fulfilled); or to be the contingent beneficiary in case your named individual beneficiaries do not survive you.

Gifts by bequest are easy to execute and, with Vote Smart's 501(c)(3) IRS status as an educational institution, you may receive a reduction in estate taxes. A gift by bequest might be worded: "I give, devise and bequeath to Vote Smart for its general purposes all (or state fraction or percentage) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal" or "I give, devise and bequeath to Vote Smart the sum of $_____ to be used for the general purpose of Vote Smart." Your bequest to Project Vote Smart can take the form of cash, securities, real estate or other tangible personal property.

This page is intended to provide an overview of possible bequest options. Vote Smart cannot render tax or legal advice and this information is not intended as such. It is recommended that donors consult with their tax counsel or legal adviser prior to finalizing a bequest or major gift other than cash or securities.

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