Eliminating Medical Debt

Floor Speech

Date: May 8, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. KHANNA. Mr. Speaker, today, Senator Bernie Sanders and I introduced a historic bill to eliminate medical debt for every American.

Over 100 million Americans have medical debt. That is criminal in a country as wealthy as ours. No American should go into debt because they go to the ER or because they go to a doctor.

Our bill eliminates all medical debt for families. It eliminates the credit card damaging reports on medical debt, and it stops hospitals from sticking debt collectors on vulnerable patients.

Can we not agree in America that no one should have to give up their dream of owning a home because they have medical debt? No one should have to create GoFundMe pages to get medical attention. No one should have to decide between curing their cancer and medical bankruptcy.

This bill stands up for every American's right to healthcare. I thank Senator Merkley and Representative Rashida Tlaib for co-leading this effort.

