Political Contributions by Payroll Deduction. Contributions to Candidates. Initiative Statute.

California Ballot Measure - Proposition 32

Election: Nov. 6, 2012 (General)

Outcome: Failed


Business and Consumers
Labor Unions


- Prohibits unions from using payroll-deducted funds for political purposes. Applies same use prohibition to payroll deductions, if any, by corporations or government contractors.

- Permits voluntary employee contributions to employer or union committees if authorized yearly, in writing.

- Prohibits unions and corporations from contributing directly or indirectly to candidates and candidate-controlled committees.

- Other political expenditures remain unrestricted, including corporate expenditures from available resources not limited by payroll deduction prohibition.

- Prohibits government contractor contributions to elected officers or officer-controlled committees.

Summary of Legislative Analyst’s Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact:

- Increased costs to state and local government—potentially exceeding $1 million annually—to implement
and enforce the measure’s requirements.

Measure Text

Prohibits unions from using payroll-deducted funds for political purposes. Applies same use prohibition to payroll deductions, if any, by corporations or government contractors. Prohibits union and corporate contributions to candidates and their committees. Prohibits government contractor contributions to elected officers or their committees. Fiscal Impact: Increased costs to state and local government, potentially exceeding $1 million annually, to implement and enforce the measure’s requirements.


Official Summary
