Fleming Votes Against Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act


Date: May 14, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman John Fleming, M.D. released the following statement after voting against the Senate-passed Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act:

"With or without the passage of this legislation, Congress retains the prerogative to review any executive agreement, and to pass legislation tightening sanctions on Iran. Today's vote elevates an international executive agreement to a level higher than that of a treaty--the agreement automatically goes into effect unless two-thirds of both Chambers are unhappy and proactively disapprove of the final nuclear deal. While I appreciate the legislation's sentiment for a more transparent process, I would respectfully submit that Congress should demand nothing less. The American people deserve to know the full details of the Joint Plan of Action as well as to understand the full impact of any forthcoming nuclear accord.

I remain committed to working with President Obama on stopping Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. I would, however, remind my colleagues of Israeli Prime Minster Netanyahu's words when he addressed a Joint Session of Congress in March, stating that a "deal won't change Iran for the better, it will only change the Middle East for the worse.' Any deal that doesn't end Iran's nuclear program completely--to protect Israel, our allies in the Middle East and the U.S.--is not a deal I can support."
