Protect Medical Innovation Act of 2015

Floor Speech

Date: June 17, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. ROKITA. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman from Minnesota for yielding the time. He has been the leader on this from day one, and I am happy to join him. I also thank Chairman Ryan of the Ways and Means Committee for allowing this to come to the floor the way it has. I think it is very important. Most of America thinks this is very important, and to have it stand alone here where it can be debated, hopefully honestly, I think speaks well to the process, I think it speaks well to the leadership of Chairman Ryan and Member Paulsen and others who are behind this.

Mr. Speaker, I am privileged to be back on the floor to support this. It is long overdue. It needs to happen. There is an old adage, Mr. Speaker, and that is, if you want less of something, tax it. The same is true here. If you want less jobs in this area, like the 56,000 jobs in Indiana alone, tax the devices that those jobs produce. If you want less innovation, tax these medical devices. If you want America to be less of a leader in the world when it comes to this industry, tax it. That is all their argument, Mr. Speaker, is saying, and our bill corrects that. Let the free market work, and let innovation work. Let's keep us a leader in the world in this area.

