Weekly Report: A Progress Report to Iowa's Taxpayers


Date: June 19, 2015

Even when there is gridlock in Washington, D.C., the federal government, by law, must be funded to remain operating. The House Appropriations Committee, the committee I am assigned to, plays a pivotal role in how hardworking taxpayer dollars are allocated at the federal level. I thought Iowans should have a seat at the table during this process; and I am proud to be that voice.

As of this week the U.S. House of Representatives has passed six of the twelve annual funding bills needed to keep our federal spending on a smart, balanced, and fiscally efficient track. Iowans believe in a principled approach to spending - do not spend more than you make. Government too must follow the example set by Iowa families and live within our means. And, the majority of the House Appropriations Committee is working hard to advance commonsense funding bills that save money.

When Congress is doing its job, we can get some things done. We have passed legislation that supports our active duty defense and security infrastructure while also protecting the promise made to our veterans. Military operations and security readiness have also been prioritized while also giving our men and women in uniform a well-deserved raise. I am happy to tighten spending elsewhere so that those who are protecting our homeland and the cause of freedom receive an increase in pay; it is the least we can do for their service and sacrifice.

In the bill that funds the functions of the legislative branch we continued the pay freeze for all Members of Congress that has been in place since 2010, while also blocking any additional increase in funds for the Legislative Branch. Hardworking Americans and Iowans have had to do more with less, so can Congress.

We are finding savings elsewhere too, the Commerce, Justice, and Science funding bill places a priority in combating counterterrorism and cybercrime to protect our homeland, while still saving over $400 million compared to previous year's funding measure. In the bill that funds Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (T-HUD), we made targeted choices on critical programs like our interstate highway system, keeping our air and rail transportation efficient and safe, and ensuring that seniors in need and disabled have a strong housing safety net.

Bottom line, I am dedicated to fight for good governance across the board. Finding areas to save money, or spend it more effectively is a foundation in that fight. And, while I am working to find savings and set good priorities through my work on the Appropriations Committee, I also work through the committee to push back against government overreach. Back in April when we debated the funding bill for Energy and Water, my colleagues and I prohibited any changes to federal jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act to continue the fight against the disastrous Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule.

And even though we have accomplished a great deal on your behalf there are some in Congress who are working to block these commonsense bills because they don't spend enough. This same group is publically saying that they are willing to shut down the government, block the pay increases for our troops, and derail all the good government progress we have made in the first six appropriations bills in order to get their way. The want to spend more, spend beyond our means. I came here to be effective, to get things done and to make the hard choices that deliver results. I will not turn my back on that promise and promise that my voice and vote will always side with those solutions that are smart, balanced, and fiscally responsible.
