News Center 1 - Representative Kristi Noem Pays Local Girl Scouts a Visit

News Article

Date: March 12, 2015

By A Wilson

Girl Scout Cookies may not be at the top of dietary guidelines, but they sure are everyone's favorite end to a meal. While the cookies are a sweet treat, there is much more to the Girl Scout organization than just sugar and spice.

The Girl Scouts of America celebrated turned 103 on Thursday. For over 100 years, the organization has been building the courage, confidence, and character of young women across the country. The organization strives to teach women respect, leadership, and cooperation with others.

What better role model is there for young women than our own U.S. Representative Kristi Noem? One lucky Girl Scout had the opportunity to sit down with Noem to discuss the importance of empowering young women.

Representative Noem commented, "Well obviously having an organization like the Girl Scouts is wonderful, because you get a lot of the skills you need to serve people. But the one thing we forget all the time is you're a leader. There are lots of girls watching you. You're a role model they are following. So that's what we forget, whether you're 8, 12, 16, or 20, you're always a leader sometime in your life. Somebody is watching you."
There are 2.8 million members of the Girl Scout organization.
