KTIV - Siouxland Representatives React to Keystone Ruling

News Article

Date: Jan. 9, 2015
Location: Sioux City, IO

By Unknown

Siouxland lawmakers came out today expressing their support for the bill and excitement that the Nebraska Supreme Court Shot down the case.

Republican South Dakota Representative Kristi Noem said, "Delaying Keystone is depriving South Dakota of good jobs, millions of dollars in revenue for cash-strapped counties, and relief for the roads and rails that are currently crowded with oil transit."

Republican Iowa representative Steve King thinks it will help jobs and international relations.

"We need it to pass this legislation early it jobs, it's economic growth it helps us become efficient in the north American continent and it is good for our relationship to our great neighbor to the north Canada."

Republican Nebraska Representative Adrian Smith says with Nebraska's ruling the president has no excuses, "the President has an opportunity now to make good on his promise to find common ground and improve our infrastructure."

Republican Senator John Thune of South Dakota agrees saying, "This court decision further erodes the president's obstruction of the bipartisan, job-creating Keystone XL."

Soon the president will have a clear opportunity to sign a bipartisan bill into law approving the construction of this common-sense infrastructure project.

New Senator Mike Rounds of South Dakota says he has been a proponent of Keystone for a number of years, and he's looking forward to bringing the legislation to the floor for debate next week.
