Issue Position: Jobs and Economy

Issue Position

I have traveled to all 120 counties in Kentucky at least 4 times in the last 3 years and the number one issue that people want to discuss is jobs. Kentuckians are frustrated at the lack of good paying jobs. In fact, Kentucky has lost nearly 50,000 people in its workforce over the last year. Kentuckians are scared about the inability to pay their bills and provide for their families. Many worry that their jobs may be shipped to another state or country.

Frankfort has continued to double down on tax and spend policies that will continue to fail Kentuckians. As your next governor, I will break the mindset that government has all of the answers, and work with businesses and employers to attract good paying jobs to Kentucky. We can accomplish this by:

* Passing tax reform that includes cutting taxes on small businesses

* Easing the regulatory burden on small businesses

* Making Kentucky a "Right to Work" state
