Newsletter: Blocking the Presidents Unconstitutional Actions on Immigration


Date: Jan. 16, 2015

Dear Friend,

The U.S. House of Representatives is defending its constitutional authority.

This week, the House voted to defund President Obama's political power play on immigration. Led by conservatives who pressed leadership to act, we passed an expansive rollback of his November executive actions.

Our bill blocks the president's attempt to end deportation of over four million unlawful alien parents. It also claws back the president's 2012 executive action to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program for 600,000 people brought to the U.S. illegally as children.

The critics said this would damage Republicans. They misread the American people, who are sending a strong message that they object to the president's unilateral actions. That's because the American people love their Constitution and understand the importance of respecting the rule of law.

Our bill fully funds the Department of Homeland Security, boosting the border protection that must be the first step in any immigration reform legislation. The bill will establish the largest force levels in history at our borders, with 24-hour surveillance of air, land and sea. The bill also strengthens internal enforcement and investigations.

That this happened in the second week of the new Congress shows Republicans are serious about fixing our broken immigration system.

This week's votes are a good sign that strong, conservative legislation can easily pass the U.S. House of Representatives.

I'm encouraged that House leadership incorporated conservative ideas into this bill. Republicans are stronger when we pass legislation the American people are demanding. I will continue to advocate for conservative solutions and make sure our leadership continues to listen to the people we serve.

Once we've responded to the president's provocation, we can try real reform. That starts with enforcing current law, securing our borders and modernizing the visa system. Lasting reform doesn't put those here illegally ahead of those who follow the law, as the president seems to believe.

The battle with President Obama in the new Congress just began. But this week the House drew a line in the sand that even the president can understand: We won't let him put our Constitution or security at risk for political gain.

Thank you,
