Iowa Congressman David Young on Homeland Security Votes


Date: Feb. 27, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Iowa Congressman David Young voted tonight to extend Department of Homeland Security funding by voting for H.R. 33, Making Further Continuing Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2015:

"My two guiding principles throughout this debate on Department of Homeland Security funding have been consistent. I want Homeland Security to remain fully open, but I cannot allow the president's unconstitutional executive actions to move forward. The recent federal court ruling in Texas, coupled with my votes today reaffirms and upholds both of these guiding principles. This legislation allows us to work together to achieve a solution that not only keeps the Department of Homeland Security open, but one that also respects and reaffirms the balance of power designated in the Constitution. It is now up to all sides to work together to get the job done."
