Issue Position: Working Together for a More Prosperous Economy

Issue Position

Small Business
Building a vibrant economy for Texas means fairer regulations for small businesses. Representative Menéndez knows small businesses are the backbone of the Texas economy. Growing up, he worked in his family-owned and operated business, and saw firsthand how over taxing and regulations can hurt a small company. Representative Menéndez will work with small business owners to build a tax system that is fairer and less burdensome.

Creating More Jobs
Representative Menéndez believes the road to middle class is lined with good, high paying jobs. That's why he worked with Brooks City-Base and Port San Antonio after the military closed these former bases. Representative Menéndez was a key advocate for programs and polices that helped these institutions create thousands of news jobs for San Antonio.

Diversifying Our Economy
While the oil boom is driving Texas's economy now, Representative Menéndez knows we can't wait until the bust to diversify the econo
my of the future. Texas has always promoted a fierce entrepreneurial spirit and nowhere is that more prevalent than technology companies. Businesses that are competing on a global scale often do so in the digital world. San Antonio has carved out a unique marketplace for tech business with companies like Rackspace and Secure Logix. Our state officials must work together with universities and technology companies to help innovate our future economy.
