Senator Manchin's Christmas Greeting


Date: Jan. 16, 2015
Issues: Religion

As we celebrate this joyous holiday season, Gayle and I would like to take a moment to wish all of our fellow West Virginians a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. The holidays are a wonderful time to celebrate beloved traditions, create lasting memories, and most importantly, reflect on our many blessings while sharing them with others. It is truly the most wonderful time of the year, and I hope all West Virginians will join us in sharing the joyfulness of the season.

Gayle and I are so honored to call the beautiful state of West Virginia our home and we are forever grateful for the unique sense of community that permeates through all regions of our state. I am always amazed by West Virginians' character of neighbors helping neighbors, always exemplifying kindness and care. Whether it is donating toys to children less fortunate, volunteering at a local soup kitchen, or visiting seniors, West Virginians are never hesitant to lend a helping hand during the holidays and throughout the year. This season, I hope all West Virginians will spread the warm spirit of giving and share the gift of God's love by sharing generously with those in need.

When I reminisce about my own childhood Christmases in Farmington, material gifts never stand out. I simply remember the gift of unconditional love my parents bestowed upon me and my siblings, which is the ultimate gift they could give. I remember the warm and comfortable feeling of sitting around the Christmas tree, surrounded by family and loved ones. The love that they shared is a feeling that will never leave me, and a love that I've always tried to replicate with my own children and grandchildren.

This holiday season will be the first spent without my beautiful mother. Although we will miss her dearly, I know that her spirit will be with us this year and every year. Her love, kindness and generosity will stay with me forever, serving as reminders to always show compassion and reach out to those in need.

While we enjoy plentiful holiday blessings, let us not forget our loyal and patriotic military who selflessly serve our country. Many of our soldiers are away from home and their families this holiday season, standing strong and alert to keep us safe from harm. The dedication and sacrifices they make allow us to live the free and peaceful lives we enjoy every day. Let us remember to keep our servicemembers, their families and our country in our prayers at this time and all year long.

So this holiday, whatever challenges we may face, let us count our blessings. Let us thank our veterans, reach out to our neighbors and reunite with family and friends, because that sense of community is what makes our state and our nation so special.

Gayle and I pray that each and every one of you have a Christmas filled with hope and joy, and that the New Year will bring you and your loved ones health and happiness. From our home to yours, may God bless you and the great people of West Virginia, and may God bless America with peace during the holidays and throughout this New Year.
