Pelosi Hails Introduction of Reform Agenda in New Congress to Clean Up Elections

Press Release

Date: Jan. 21, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi today released the following statement on the re-introduction of key elements of the DARE Agenda, a legislative package to reduce the influence of big money in politics and provide key reforms to bring transparency to our country's campaign finance laws:

"We have an obligation to ensure that the desires of the special interests do not drown out the needs of the public interest. Five years after the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, House Democrats are committed to ending undisclosed, secret special interest money that continues to drown out the voices of average citizens and flood our airwaves with advertisements that deter voter engagement.

"Our legislative package is a DARE to reclaim our politics. Congressman Chris Van Hollen is re-introducing the DISCLOSE Act to promote transparency in our political system so Americans know who is funding political campaigns. Congressman Ted Deutch is offering an amendment to the Constitution to overturn Citizens United and restore sensible limits on election spending. R is for reform, with Congressman John Sarbanes reintroducing the "Government by the People' Act to reform our nation's campaign finance laws and restore a government of the many, not a government of the money. Finally, today, House Democrats have launched our Democratic Outreach and Engagement Task Force to empower all Americans to make their voices heard in our elections.

"Together, we can help guarantee that it is the will of the American people that determines our politics and policies, not the pocketbooks of the privileged few. Now is the time to strengthen our democracy by disclosing the sources of the money in our campaigns, amend the constitution to overturn the Citizens United decision, reform our broken campaign finance system, and empower citizens to have their voices heard by voting and engaging in our political process."
