Issue Position: Taxes

Issue Position

In 2011, Connecticut taxpayers faced the largest tax increase in state history. While few question the severity of Connecticut's fiscal crisis, those increases disproportionately levied the burden on hardworking, middle class families. State Government has a responsibility to create policies that foster job growth, impose taxation more fairly, and hold the line on state spending. As a result, I will fight to reduce taxes that hurt our families in Groton and New London and restore fiscal responsibility to Hartford.

My 7 point plan includes:

Lowering the Sales Tax to 5% for consumers
Phasing out the job-killing gross receipts tax on hospitals
Overhauling the Corporate Income Tax to unleash economic growth
Eliminating the Business Entity Tax for Small Businesses
Protecting the Earned Income Tax Credit for Working Families
Ending the Real Estate Conveyance Tax to help first time homebuyers
Exempting Social Security & Pension Income from taxes to provide relief to seniors

These reforms would provide meaning tax relief to hardworking families in Groton & New London, would do little harm to state revenues, and would foster an economic renaissance in Southeastern Connecticut.
