Congressman Carney Praises WTO Ruling To Support U.S. Poultry Industry

Press Release

Date: Oct. 15, 2014
Location: Wilmington, DE
Issues: Trade

Congressman John Carney, a member of the House Chicken Caucus, lauded the World Trade Organization's ruling Tuesday that invalidated India's blocked imports of U.S. poultry based on a false claim of avian influenza. India's restrictions are estimated to cost the U.S. approximately $300 million in U.S. chicken annually.

Congressman Carney participated in a call with U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman, Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), General Counsel Timothy Reif, and USTR attorneys to discuss the ruling.

In 2012, Congressman Carney, along with Congressman Nunes (R-CA), led a letter with 47 bipartisan cosigners calling for an end to India's prohibition on the importation of U.S. poultry.

"This is good news for Delaware," said Carney. "The poultry industry is a critical piece of Delaware's economy, and open markets are key to our farmer's ability to grow their businesses. On behalf of Delaware farmers, I've pushed hard to stop India's unfair restrictions on poultry exports. I'm extremely pleased that a successful resolution has been reached. Delaware is well-positioned to take advantage of India's growing market."

Delaware's poultry industry supports more than 13,000 jobs and contributes more than $3.2 billion to the state's economy.
