New Ads Highlight Daines' Commitment to Protecting Montana's Outdoors Heritage

Press Release

Date: Oct. 23, 2014
Location: Bozeman, MT

The Steve Daines for Montana campaign today released two new ads highlighting Daines' lifelong commitment to preserving Montana's outdoors heritage and protecting Montanans' Second Amendment rights.

"Public Land," a thirty-second television ad that will air statewide, highlights Daines' record of reaching across the aisle to increase Montanans' access to public lands and protect Montanans' way of life.

"Outdoors," a sixty-second radio ad, features Montana outfitter and guide Pat Tabor. Tabor describes how Montanans can count on Steve Daines to increase sportsmen's access to public lands and to protect the North Fork of the Flathead River.

"Access to our public lands and protecting them for future generations is important to me -- like it is to all Montanans. That's why I support Steve Daines," Tabor states. "Steve has worked to stop federal land policies that would close off areas to sportsmen. And Steve worked hard to protect our most precious areas by passing the North Fork Watershed Protection Act through the U.S House with strong bipartisan support."

Daines has a strong record of working with Democrats and Republicans to increase access to public lands and protect Montanans' way of life, including:

Introduced the Making Public Lands Public Access Act to preserve and increase Montanans' access to our public lands for hunting, fishing, and recreation.
Introduced the East Rosebud Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to preserve the natural beauty and recreational areas of the East Rosebud Creek and the surrounding areas of the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness and Custer National Forest.
Introduced the North Fork Watershed Protection Act, which protects the North Fork Flathead watershed and ensures recreation areas are maintained. With Steve's support, the House of Representatives passed the North Fork Watershed Protection Act of 2013, marking the first time this legislation has ever been passed by either chamber of Congress
Joined a bipartisan group of Congressmen in urging Chairman Calvert of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies to prioritize funding for the Land Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).
Cosponsored the Conservation Easement Incentive Act, which promotes conservation by incentivizing individuals to donate their land to nonprofit organizations for conservation purposes.
Helped introduce H.R. 1526, the Restoring Healthy Forests for Healthy Communities Act, which was passed by the House last year with bipartisan support. The bill will protect Montana's outdoor heritage and revitalize Montana's timber industry, reducing the threat of wildfires and creating thousands of good-paying Montana jobs.
Montana editorial boards have taken note of Daines' efforts to protect our public lands, saying that he "doesn't think turning over federal land in Montana to the state is "feasible," and that "Congress and the state should work together more to manage the lands better."

"Public Land" may be viewed here and "Outdoors" may be heard here.

Full scripts for both ads are below:

Public Land:

Steve Daines is a fifth generation Montanan and proud sportsman, with an A plus rating from the NRA.

Daines understands how important fishing and the outdoors are to Montana's heritage.

In Congress, Daines is fighting to increase our access to public lands and he passed bipartisan legislation to protect pristine areas around Glacier National Park.

Steve Daines is defending our Montana way of life and getting results.

I'm Steve Daines and I approved this message.


I'm Pat Tabor -- a hunter, outfitter, and guide.
I'm passionate about the outdoors.
And, access to our public lands and protecting them for future generations is important to me -- like it is to all Montanans.
That's why I support Steve Daines.
Steve has worked to stop federal land policies that would close off areas to sportsmen.
And Steve worked hard to protect our most precious areas by passing the North Fork Watershed Protection Act through the U.S House with strong bipartisan support.

I'm Steve Daines.
As a fifth generation Montanan, I want to make sure our kids get the same opportunities to fish, hike, and hunt on our public lands, like I did.
It's why I introduced legislation to improve Montanans access to public lands.
And reached across the aisle, working with Republicans and Democrats, to protect our most precious areas around Glacier National Park. As your Senator, I will protect our Montana heritage.
I'm Steve Daines and I approved this message.
