Larry Hogan's Election Year Conversions Continue: Hogan Opposes the Red and Purple Lines, but Tells Voters Otherwise

Press Release

Once again, Larry Hogan is going through yet another election year conversion. This time he's trying to mislead voters on his opposition to constructing the Red Line in the Baltimore region and the Purple line in Montgomery and Prince George's counties -- key transportation infrastructure improvements that will play a large role in growing Maryland's economy.

In the Republican primary, Larry Hogan opposed the construction of the Red and Purple Lines. And just several weeks ago, the Baltimore Sun reported that "Larry Hogan, has ice in his voice as he vows to block construction of Baltimore's Red Line and the Purple Line in the Washington suburbs." Indeed, WBAL even ran an entire segment detailing how the future of the Red Line would "get iffy in a hurry" if Hogan was elected governor because of his opposition to the project.

However, Wednesday afternoon, Hogan attempted to re-write history and mislead voters on his position, responding to a questioner on a Baltimore radio show that "I'm not really opposed to the Red Line or the Purple Line and both of them I think are worth considering." The Baltimore Sun highlighted this shift with the headline "Hogan hedges opposition to Red, Purple Lines" and noting that "at times during the primary Hogan expressed opposition to the transit projects without providing much nuance."

Anthony Brown has worked to secure funding for the Red and Purple Lines and has made improving our transportation infrastructure a priority to create jobs and position our economy for the future.

"The Red and Purple Lines are vital infrastructure priorities for Maryland, and building these two projects is a key step toward making our business climate the most competitive in the nation," said Lt. Governor Anthony G. Brown. "These projects create good jobs and they'll make an impact in attracting and retaining businesses, both now and for years to come. It's disappointing that Larry Hogan doesn't understand how important infrastructure investments are to Maryland's economic future."

"Mass transit projects like the Red Line are critical to relieving traffic congestion in the Baltimore region and driving Maryland's economy forward," said Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger. "Stopping now would cost us business and jobs both now and in the future. Anthony Brown has proven that he is committed to building a strong and vibrant transit system to power our economy."

"While Anthony Brown has been a leader in the fight to build the Red and Purple Lines, Larry Hogan has long opposed them, and is trying to change his position now out of political convenience," said Brown-Ulman campaign manager Justin Schall. "Whether it's trying to mislead voters on his opposition to key transportation projects that will boost our economic infrastructure, his plan to cut $450 million in school construction funding, his secret backroom promises to pro-gun extremists to weaken Maryland's gun safety laws, or denying his decades of opposition to a woman's right to choose -- Marylanders simply can't trust Larry Hogan."

Previously, Hogan has sought to hide his positions on a variety of issues. The Washington Post and WBAL caught Hogan red-handed making secret, backroom promises to pro-gun activists and the NRA detailing how he'll weaken Maryland's gun safety laws if elected governor, all while Hogan has been telling voters that "it's not really an issue in the campaign." Hogan has also claimed that he has no idea about the $450 million cut to school construction funding he has proposed, and has sought to distract voters from his lifelong opposition to a woman's right to choose, even in cases of rape and incest, and his opposition to common forms of birth control.

And on Tuesday, Hogan similarly misled voters on his long-time opposition to Maryland's minimum wage increase, telling reporters that he "never said" he was against it despite numerous statements and questionnaire answers stating his opposition.
