Hickenlooper's Failures Dominate 9News Debate

Press Release

During the 5th gubernatorial debate, hosted by 9News, candidate for Governor Bob Beauprez strongly challenged John Hickenlooper's indecision, full-throated support of Obama's policies, and public safety and criminal justice failures.

"Bob clearly showed tonight he's ready to be a governor for all of Colorado," said his running mate, candidate for Lt. Governor Jill Repella. "From water storage, to the economy, to education -- and certainly in regards to public safety -- Hickenlooper cannot defend his record. This debate made it clear Nathan Dunlap is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Hickenlooper's crime and justice failures."

"Once again, John Hickenlooper failed to demonstrate leadership, and instead deflected on serious issues, and demonstrated extreme hypocrisy on negative ads," said Beauprez campaign manager Dustin Olson. "Bob Beauprez overwhelmingly showed he's better prepared to lead our state as its next governor."

"HICKPOCRISY" on Negative Ads

Tonight, John Hickenlooper doubled-down on "Hickpocrisy" when he once again refused to denounce false attack ads funded by his Washington friends.

Beauprez called out Hickenlooper's hypocrisy out saying:

"There is a difference between a contrast ad -- some would say a negative ad, some would say it's an attack ad -- that's based on fact, based on a record, based on a decision that somebody has made, a vote that somebody has made; and something that, as you have characterized, is blatantly false, unfair, deceptive, misleading. Those are the ads that the Democrat Governors Association has been running against me," said Beauprez during an exchange in which the the issue of libelously false Democrat ads came up. "Channels 4 and 9 have truth tested it and found it to be as I just outlined. This is his opportunity. He did a phony stunt last week, asked to shake hands, saying that we'll only run positive campaigns and in the same breath, before time expired on that answer, he broke his pledge by not denouncing what he knows to be patently false, misleading, deceptive and unfair."

Hickenlooper had previously claimed that he cannot legally denounce the DGA ad. But The Denver Post noted that he can: "The law prohibits coordination between a candidate's committee and outside political groups, but election experts say the candidate is not muzzled from taking a stand on the ad's content or its presence in the campaign."


During the debate Hickenlooper stumbled over public safety, crime and justice, at one one point responding to a serious question with, "This is going to be your new slant," indicating his lack of interest in this critically important issue.

Hickenlooper later admitted to his failure to get public safety-related bills passed.

Hickenlooper also reiterated his abdication on the death penalty for Nathan Dunlap, saying "Yes. I will leave it, I will commit, to promise to leave it to the next governor."

In stark contrast to Hickenlooper's record of indecision and indifference to criminal justice policy, Beauprez showed Coloradans he is ready to lead the state by refocusing on the governor's primary responsibility, ensuring the safety of the citizens.

Toward the end of the debate, Beauprez asked Hickenlooper to explain his blind spot when it comes to matters of public safety and justice:

"You failed to provide leadership to get a Felony DUI bill through the legislature, failed to pass legislation for mandatory sentencing for vehicular homicide, had to be nationally shamed into signing a weakened Jessica's Law, and reprieved Nathan Dunlap. And, most alarmingly, you claim to be powerless to prevent the release to our streets of mentally unstable, violent criminals - even ones sworn to bomb schools and commit mass murder, which the Denver Post says had, "dangerous consequences.'

"I don't think you necessarily have a fondness for violent criminals, but why do you have so little interest in protecting the lives of innocent Coloradans?"

Hickenlooper responded only with a weak attempt to justify some of the worst failures of his term and at one point even appeared confused about Colorado's latest crime statistics.

Hickenlooper said, "violent crimes are down in the state in the last four years, right?"

Wrong, Governor. Apparently, John Hickenlooper is oblivious to the fact that violent crime rose last year by 2.1% and property crime by 1.3%, according to an annual report by the Colorado Bureau of Investigations.

To see more of Hickenlooper's failures on public safety, see this fact check: http://www.bobbeauprez.com/fact/fact-john-hickenlooper-is-not-paying-attention-to-public-safety


Each candidate tonight was given two chances to ask their opponent a question. When John Hickenlooper stepped up to the plate, he struck out, setting up Bob Beauprez for one of his best answers of the night.

Hickenlooper asked Bob, "Where in your four years in Congress, did you actually ever introduce a bill that got passed by the house and senate and actually became law?"

Bob, who served on the Committee on Veterans Affairs, quickly answered.

"One that I'm most proud of, and it took four years to get it done, I think it was the last vote I cast, was for legislation I inserted into a veteran's authorization bill.

"The reason that the funding for the VA hospital even got started was because of the efforts I put forward for years and made sure that was inserted in the Veterans Authorization bill."

In fact, showing how out of touch John Hickenlooper is on veterans issues, even the Colorado Independent reported on bipartisan praise for Bob's leadership for Colorado's veterans from his successor, Democrat Ed Perlmutter:

"'We've been united in seeking a stand-alone hospital facility,' Perlmutter said, praising his Republican predecessor, former U.S. Rep. Bob Beauprez, along with former U.S. Sen. Wayne Allard and former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, both Republicans, for their advocacy for the hospital over the years. Perlmutter also credited 'the Salazar brothers' -- Rep. John Salazar, a Manassa Democrat, and current Interior Secretary and former U.S. Sen. Ken Salazar -- who 'have been champions of this from the beginning.'"


After refusing to support the Northern Integrated Supply Project (NISP), an important water project to Northern Colorado, John Hickenlooper left the door open to "take" a decision, if he was allowed to do so:

MODERATOR: "Do you want to take a yes or no position on NISP?"

JOHN HICKENLOOPER: "You know, I disagree again what I've been told because as it's predecisional, that that process is going through that I shouldn't take...I'll get lawyers to review it, and if I can take a decision I'll happily take a decision.

Several local governments have already urged the governor to support the NISP project.


JOHN HICKENLOOPER: Well, first if you actually look at the budget, tens of millions of dollars is a drop in the bucket and it's not going to solve any any--

BOB BEAUPREZ: I'm going to go look for tens of millions of dollars, for the record.


Beauprez also challenged Hickenlooper on his full-throated backing of Obama's policies, including the failure of the so-called recovery making it to all parts of Colorado:

"We had negative growth last year, negative growth in Grand Junction, Mesa County. Negative growth in, of all places, Colorado Springs. Pueblo barely staying above water. A lot of people in Colorado are still wondering where is this recovery -- this Obama-Looper recovery -- we've been talking about for five years, where is it for them?"
