Staci Appel's Extreme Position on Passports for Terrorists at Odds with Even the Obama Administration

Press Release

Date: Sept. 17, 2014
Location: Des Moines, IA

The Obama administration's Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson today
testified before the House Committee on Homeland Security, declaring that Western passports in the hands of Islamic terrorists remain a significant threat to the security of the United States.

The administration's view is in direct contrast to Staci Appel's extreme position she asserted last week when she said she would not revoke the U.S. passports of self-proclaimed terrorists.

"Protecting America from the threats of ISIS should be a top priority of our government. In Congress, I will push the administration to use every tool available to keep Iowa families safe," said Young. "One of those tools is revoking the passports of self-proclaimed terrorists. I said in a debate last week I absolutely support revoking these passports. I sat in shock when my opponent disagreed and said she
would not. The secretary of Homeland Security and Director of the FBI today agreed with me leaving my opponent alone on a limb with respect to this issue."

Background: When questioned by Rep. Peter King, Johnson replied as follows:

"I agree with the FBI Director [James Comey] that suspension of passports should be on a case by case basis. The State Department has the authority to suspend passports. I also know that suspension, revocation of passports can be done on an expedited basis when the situation warrants in a matter of hours or days. It does not necessarily need to be a lengthy process. I agree given the current environment that we need to seriously consider limiting the ability of certain individuals to travel.

Either to go from one foreign country to another or from our country to another country."
