Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 2014

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 15, 2014
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. Speaker, I support S. 1086, reauthorizing the Child Care and Development Block Grant program.

We all talk about jobs bills.

Well, in my district, the Northern Mariana Islands, mothers and fathers in 200 families can go to their jobs every day because their children are being cared for through this program.

That's why it is important to reauthorize Child Care, because it helps people who want to work.

Especially in the Northern Marianas, where we are replacing foreign workers with U.S. workers, we need good child care to make that transition.

And the bill accounts for sudden changes of income, so even when the minimum wage increases in the Marianas this month--as I am glad to say it will--families will keep getting child care--and parents will keep working.

Lastly, S. 1086 improves standards, because all parents want to work without worry, knowing their children are well cared for and safe.

I urge passage of the bill.

