Maryland National Organization of Women PAC Endorses Anthony Brown for Governor

Press Release

This morning, the Maryland National Organization of Women (NOW) Political Action Committee issued a press release announcing their endorsement of Anthony Brown for Governor. In their announcement, NOW praised Brown's record of working to drive down domestic violence and sexual assault rates in Maryland as well as his commitment to protecting women's access to health care.

Last week, Maryland NOW wrote a letter asking five basic questions to each of the candidates for governor about how they would address women's health. After ignoring similar requests from the Sierra Club, Maryland League of Conservation Voters, Clean Water Action, Maryland Business Roundtable for Education and the Maryland State Education Association, Hogan refused to answer NOW. In their response, NOW asserted that the reason why Hogan is hiding is because of his long record of working to ban a woman's right to choose, even in cases of rape or incest.
"Larry Hogan has a clear pattern of avoiding topics that would expose his dangerous Republican agenda, that's why he refused to answer the National Organization of Women, several environmental groups, the Maryland Business Roundtable for Education and Maryland's teachers," said Brown-Ulman campaign manager Justin Schall. "The truth is that Larry Hogan will say anything to distract from the fact that he doesn't trust women to make their own health decisions. Hogan opposes abortion, even in cases of rape or incest, and he would do nothing to stop an employer from restricting a woman's access to birth control -- that's why he's hiding from voters and ignoring these issues."

Below are excerpts from Maryland NOW PAC's endorsement press release:

Maryland NOW PAC Member and Maryland NOW President Sara Wilkinson explained, "Maryland NOW PAC asked Democratic nominee Anthony Brown, Republican candidate Larry Hogan, and Libertarian candidate Shawn Quinn to answer five simple questions concerning women's rights to health care… Mr. Hogan and Mr. Quinn both refused to answer Maryland NOW PAC's questions. This leaves us with grave concerns about their positions regarding a woman's right to make decisions about her life, including the right to choose and even access to birth control."

Ms. Wilkinson added, "Perhaps Mr. Hogan hopes we will forget that he supported efforts to ban abortions at Prince George's County hospitals and that he sought to pass a so-called "human life amendment' that would prohibit a woman from ending a pregnancy--even in cases of rape and incest?"

Ms. Wilkinson concluded, "Our next governor will either protect or attack women's rights to healthcare options. How can voters trust Larry Hogan? We feel that Mr. Hogan hopes to disguise his positions and his record of legislative efforts to ban a woman's right to choose. Also, his hostility to birth control is a troubling anachronistic stance. Mr. Hogan is too extreme to serve as governor of a diverse state like Maryland. He has a long and frightening record, so it's all too likely he will abuse his power as governor to attack women's rights and health. (See: "Hogan: Hobby Lobby case a manufactured political issue in Md. governor's race." Baltimore Sun, 7/8/2014). We need Anthony Brown as our governor to lead on the issues most important to Marylanders. His opponents are unqualified to serve as governor due to their lack of experience, and their out of the mainstream ideologies."

Below are the questions asked and Lt. Governor Brown's response:

1. Will you commit to appoint a secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene that will fairly enforce Maryland's current licensing procedures for medical professionals and facilities that provide abortion services, including speedy licensing and relicensing?

BROWN: Yes. Every Marylander does better when they have the freedom to make healthcare decisions that are appropriate for themselves. We will appoint officials who will stand up for Maryland women's reproductive freedoms and fight any attempt to rollback these rights. Reasonable and appropriate medical regulations, including proper licensing guidelines, protect the health and safety of Maryland women. Together with the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene, we will uphold Maryland's existing laws, and work to support an ideal environment for women's health.

HOGAN: Refused to answer.

QUINN: Refused to answer.

2. Will you maintain Maryland's current balanced regulations for Maryland abortion clinics and oppose additional burdensome, excessive regulations on these facilities?

BROWN: Yes. Medical professionals and public health experts worked with us to write Maryland's current balanced regulations with the goal of protecting women's health. We will support the continued, fair administration of these standards and will oppose politically motivated, medically unnecessary restrictions on healthcare providers that are designed to deny women the right to choose by blocking access to comprehensive reproductive care.

HOGAN: Refused to answer.

QUINN: Refused to answer.

3. Will you commit to appoint judges and an insurance commissioner that will uphold Maryland law that ensures access to contraceptive coverage in private health plans; and protect women's right to choose safe, legal abortion?

BROWN: Yes. Reproductive choice is essential to economic freedom and women's health. We will protect access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare coverage -- including affordable birth control and safe, legal abortion care. Reproductive choice not only protects women's lives but helps ensure that Maryland women and working families have the opportunity to fully participate in our economy. Especially in light of the U.S. Supreme Court's recent, disappointing decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, we are committed to appointing officials who recognize and support these values.

HOGAN: Refused to answer.

QUINN: Refused to answer.

4. Will you commit to (at a minimum) maintain current funding levels for programs that provide reproductive health and contraceptive services to Maryland women -- including the Family Planning and Reproductive Health Program?

BROWN: Yes. Every woman should have access to quality reproductive healthcare -- including birth control. We are committed to continued investment in the Family Planning and Reproductive Health Program at current levels and will work to increase funding in these programs as our budget outlook improves. In partnership with Maryland NOW and other advocates, we will increase access to reproductive healthcare for all Maryland women, regardless of where they live or their income because we recognize the essential health and economic benefits of the right to choose.

HOGAN: Refused to answer.

QUINN: Refused to answer.

5. Will you oppose legislative or executive action to create a "human life amendment," which would outlaw common forms of birth control, like the pill and IUDs, and also ban fertility treatments?

BROWN: Yes. We will oppose any attempt to adopt a "human life amendment" or "personhood" measure, which would have dire consequences for Maryland women and working families. Anti-choice efforts like these would restrict reproductive freedom, threaten economic progress for women and working families, and take Maryland backwards by outlawing common forms of birth control, stem-cell research, and even fertility treatments.

HOGAN: Refused to answer.

QUINN: Refused to answer.
