Hutto Condemns Graham's "Chicken Little' like Fear Mongering

Press Release

Date: Sept. 16, 2014
Issues: Defense

Today, Democratic US Senate candidate Brad Hutto criticized incumbent US Senator Lindsey Graham for his over-the-top rhetoric and fear mongering concerning ISIS.

"I support our military in its efforts to destroy ISIS. I am pleased to see the return of bipartisanship to Washington concerning this threat and am also encouraged by the growing number of nations who are partnering with us to accomplish this most important objective. But once again, Lindsey Graham has breathlessly taken the role of junior secretary of state and has people across the country laughing at him.

Lindsey's "Chicken Little" like screeching keeps reaching new levels of absurdity. For decades, he has pushed to send American troops in harm's way in nearly every situation imaginable. In the process, he's made himself totally irrelevant to the discussion. It's simply impossible to take him seriously at this point.

Instead of making himself a laughing stock, Lindsey should use all that energy to improve South Carolina's roads, schools and economy," Hutto said.
