Kurtz Thanks Supporters, Ready for General Election

Date: Aug. 12, 2014

Tony Kurtz was honored to accept the Republican nomination for the 3rd Congressional District Tuesday night.

"It's been a whirlwind couple months. We've traveled nearly 30,000 miles, walked in 34 parades, held 20 meet and greets, and met thousands of people. I'm ready for the next stage of our campaign to bring the 18-year incumbent a challenge like he's never faced before."

"I'm excited to have the opportunity to draw a clear contrast between the liberal policies of Ron Kind and the small government, grassroots, constitution-centered principles that we believe in here in the Republican Party. As Ronald Reagan said, you can't be for big government, big taxes, and big bureaucracies and still be for the little guy. Ron Kind is not for the little guy, and it's up to us to tell voters why!"

Kurtz thanked his supporters, volunteers, and donors who have contributed so far. "It's the generosity of those folks who give their talents, time, and hard earned dollars that will propel us to victory on November 4th!"

Kurtz also congratulated Ken Van Doren and Karen Mueller for a well-fought primary that centered on ideas for America. "What we need now is unity behind the goal of sending Washington the message that we've been sharing all along: It's time for career politicians -- it time for Ron Kind -- to go."
