Issue Position: Good Government

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

There is a culture problem in Little Rock. State officials resigning. Corruption. Taxpayer money wasted. It encompasses both political parties and has led to a deep mistrust of our state government. As your state representative, I will follow the "Walmart Rule," meaning I will accept no gifts or favors from lobbyists that are not available to the general public. I support term limits for state officials, as well as a two year "cooling off period" before legislators can become lobbyists. In addition, I will work with the Secretary of State and Ethics Commission to make all campaign donations fully electronic and searchable, so the people of Arkansas will finally have transparency in campaign finance.

Finally, I am strongly pro-life and have attended the March for Life in Washington, D.C. I'm also a proud member of the NRA and will always vote to protect our 2nd Amendment rights.
