Issue Position: Manufacturing and Refining

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

The Utica and Marcellus shale deposits in eastern Ohio hold tremendous amounts of oil and natural gas, which provide an opportunity to create jobs for our local people and funnel money in to our communities. We have a golden opportunity to steer the Ohio Valley in the right direction. So it is vitally important that we do everything possible to take full advantage of this booming industry.

In order to create jobs for our local people, we need to provide the right incentives for companies to hire locally. We also need to offer the proper training at our local high schools and colleges to make our people competitive in the gas and oil labor force. The drilling of a single well requires 400 people, and 47% of those workers, do not need a 4-year degree. I plan to help our local education institutions in any way I can to help the people of the Ohio Valley secure good-paying jobs.

9.8 million direct and indirect jobs currently exist due to the oil and natural gas industry. Estimates predict another 1.4 million jobs will be created by the year 2030, if the government expands access to domestic natural resources. It is my goal to expand that access to create those jobs for the people here in the Ohio Valley.

It is also important to keep in mind that the more oil and gas that is provided by our area the more money the industry will feed back in to our local communities. This money will help to rebuild the Ohio Valley and keep us thriving for years to come. It is my promise to you that with your vote I will fight to bring every opportunity possible to Jefferson, Belmont and Monroe counties.
