Issue Position: The 2nd Ammendment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014
Issues: Guns

Strong supporter of the Founders original intent. Willing to go to extraordinary lengths to defend.

Example: NRA Convention of 1998 in Philadelphia. State Senator Dwight Evans of North Philadelphia held a rally at the Harold O. Davis Baptist Church in North Philadelphia to generate a strong protest against the NRA at the Philadelphia Convention Center. Cris Dush attended in Evans' stronghold and was the final speaker, and the only one speaking out for the NRA and the constitutional right to bear arms. Although his comments were not welcomed by the panel, he had strong and vocal agreement from the people in attendance. The result was that there were far fewer people attend the protest of the NRA Convention than attended the rally the night before.

Cris Dush will take the fight in defense of our right to keep and bear arms to those who would restrict or eliminate it.
