Issue Position: Listening Matters

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

"As a trusted local elected official, I always knew listening was very important so I could best serve and understand local concerns. I have continued this as State Representative by holding numerous meetings, town halls and forums across the 56th District."

- George Dunbar

Listening To and Working With Local Residents

Town Hall Meetings and Community Forums
George has held town hall meetings in a variety of formats to make it more convenient for residents to voice their ideas and concerns while finding out more about what is happening in Harrisburg. From traditional town hall gatherings to live, internet broadcasts with the ability to participate via email from home, George has tried to open his door and lend his ear to as many constituents as possible. He has also held several specialized community forums to help local seniors, fire companies, businesses, students and more.

Meeting with Local Leaders
George has met with school administrators and teachers, local elected officials, and business and community leaders from across the 56th District to gain their insight on issues affecting our schools, communities and local industries.

Helping Local Residents
George and his staff have helped thousands of local residents deal with state-related
issues or solve state-related problems.
