Issue Position: Constituent Services

Issue Position

Since first being elected in 2005, Senator Fontana has always made every effort to communicate with the residents of the 42nd Senatorial District. He produces a WEEKLY e-newsletter, News & Views, which is emailed to constituents and provides updates on legislation and other developments in Harrisburg as well as local information and happenings in neighborhoods. The weekly e-newsletter is an efficient way to communicate important issues on a regular basis and at a much lower cost than mass producing a mailed newsletter.

Communication is a two-way street however. Senator Fontana also encourages his constituents to contact him with their thoughts and opinions on issues before the state. After all, Senator Fontana represents his constituents, all of them, and it's important for him to hear from them before casting a vote.

If you walk along Brookline Boulevard, you'll notice a large window in the Senator's office dedicated to flyers announcing jobs available, hiring events, and job fairs taking place throughout the region. The "Jobs Window" is updated monthly.

Senator Fontana also produces a jobs listing and news associated with the job market for his constituents in the form of a monthly e-newsletter, News & Views Special Edition: JOBS! The "Jobs E-news" provides direct links to companies' jobs pages and allows constituents to apply for positions online. Finding the right job can be difficult and time consuming. This listing of the region's largest employers with openings saves time for job seekers, with thousands of available positions listed in one space. Senator Fontana continues to hear from constituents who have used his list to find employment.

Senator Fontana's District Offices in Brookline, Kennedy Township and Beechview provide constituents full service on all state-related matters. From assisting with and submitting property tax/rent rebate forms , PennDOT paperwork, providing notary services, and much more, the staff is willing, ready and able to assist. Senator Fontana and his staff is committed to providing the highest quality of service and operates under the direction of "WE SOLVE ALL PROBLEMS." If a solution isn't not able to be found immediately, the staff will at least provide direction so a solution can be gleaned.

Each September, Senator Fontana hosts FontanaFest, a free community event for constituents that celebrates our rivers, riverfronts and the many family-friendly activities that can be enjoyed in our city and in our neighborhoods. Free food and drink, the opportunity to launch a kayak into the Monongahela River, games for kids, and the chance to visit with many of our region's educational and service-oriented organizations make for a fun and informative fall day. The event has turned into a annual destination for many and thousands have attended over the Fest's nine years.
