Issue Position: Where I Stand on the Issues

Issue Position

The American Dream is as diverse as the individuals and their families who pursue it. The ability to define and pursue a unique dream for yourself or your family is what sets America apart from every other country in the world. When an American family discusses its plans for the future around the dinner table, they are enjoying a right and opportunity that is brought about by the United States Constitution.

Here in north Idaho, this Dream has begun to fade for our families. The expansion of state and federal government has left Idaho families spending too much time trying to navigate the complex bureaucracies and too little time enjoying their freedoms. Big government has pulled up a seat at your dinner table without being invited. They now dictate your health insurance choices and costs. They tell you how you may or may not use your land. They make sure your children learn their curriculum in school. They now need all of your personal information so that they can monitor what decisions you make as a family. They want you to run all your family's decisions through their bureaucracy before you may pursue your dreams.

It is time to reverse this trend. My concept is simple: more freedom for Idaho families. I will work hard to free you from excessive regulations and restrictions. I will make sure you keep more of your hard-earned dollars in your own pocket. I will adhere to the fundamental concept of American government which is to protect the rights of citizens. When the government gets out of your personal business and focuses on protecting your rights, your dinner table can once again be a place of great dreams. It can again be the place where your family makes decisions for itself and enjoys the promise and pursuit of a better future.
