Issue Position: Local Power

Issue Position

Date: July 28, 2014
Issues: Energy

Someone asked me if I was "pro wind power". You'd think I'd have to say yes to do well in Lempster. Well, I'm not pro wind. I'm not pro solar. I'm not pro nuclear. I am in favor of towns and regions doing what makes sense for their area, and to best utilize their resources. I don't think that I should pick winners and losers, and use my role in the government to promote one over the other. I do think it is my role to make it easier to promote any energy source that is not oil. I do think it is my role to promote local sourcing of everything, including energy. I was proud to be part of the delegation that approved the biomass plant right here in Sullivan County. This plant will be the cleanest in the country and uses local energy sources, keeping your tax dollars right here at home. Buy local, source local.
