Issue Position: C-Pace Program for Businesses

Issue Position

Date: July 30, 2014

HB 532 allows for energy efficient loans in business districts.

The newly created C-PACE program for businesses will allow municipalities to create districts that can borrow or channel energy-efficient loans to businesses in exchange for a lien on the property.

One of the major hurtles to getting this passed was concern on the part of the New Hampshire Bankers Association. My service on the Municipal and County Government Affairs Committee helped work through this issue and we created this "opt-in" program for communities, with the support of the New Hampshire Bankers Association.

By tying investments in energy-related projects to the building through property assessments, as opposed to the owner, this bill enables much more ambitious projects such as deep retrofits of existing buildings and will help businesses invest in energy efficiency by freeing up capitol, a significant barrier to private investment in energy efficiency projects.
