Issue Position: Medical Services

Issue Position

First and foremost, I believe that our medical system in our country is broken. The Federal Government undertook the task to find ways to provide medical coverage to more Americans, and to contain the ever growing cost of medical care. Obamacare is not the solution. Unfortunately, for now it is the law. As a solution minded Legislator, I have and will continue to work within the law to fix the system to allow hard working and eligible citizens access to good health care, encourage competition, and to fund a solution that will not tie our state to long term unaffordable liability. I believe that we can find a solution for Montanans, without unnecessary interference, coercion or threat from the Federal Government. I will support the repeal of Obamacare coupled with continued efforts to find a real solution that is truly affordable, responsible and will ultimately contain the costs of good, proactive health care.
