Issue Position: Improving Our Schools

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

As a former Torrance School Board member, Al Muratsuchi fought for our local schools and job training programs and he continues to do so as Chair of Budget Subcommittee on Education Finance. Al has advocated for more funding for our schools and Career Technical Education programs like Southern California Regional Occupation Center (SCROC) because he recognizes the importance of investing in learning and skill-building opportunities so that future generations are competitive in the workforce.

As a Berkeley and UCLA graduate, Al has supported additional funding for higher education to restore our system to its rightful place among the best in the world. Furthermore, as a former prosecutor, Al knows firsthand that investing in early childhood education is the best long-term strategy to solve the problem of our state's overcrowded prisons.
Teachers continue to endorse Al for Assembly because he is a strong advocate of our state's education system.
