Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

Pennsylvania lags the nation in job creation despite the business tax cuts and Corbett's no-tax-increase policy. Tax cuts have not produced the jobs. We need to invest in the economy to create jobs. I support two primary job creation investments -- an infrastructure bank and education.

The American Society of Engineers gave Pennsylvania a D grade for critical infrastructure, including roads and bridges. A transportation bill passed last year will address some of our infrastructure needs, but more must be done to create the platform for sustained growth.

A Pennsylvania infrastructure bank would finance public investments in mass transit, ports, and airports as well as encouragement of clean and renewable energy is needed for the 21st century economy. Infrastructure investments will generate jobs now in design, construction and related fields.

Investing in higher education will produce jobs. Innovation to expand the economy and create jobs is not going to come from putting more public money into prisons than into higher education. Our state's priorities are misplaced.
